Development =========== aiodynamo uses `poetry`_ to manage dependencies, make sure you have it installed. After a git clone, run ``poetry install --extras aiohttp --extras httpx`` to install the dependencies, including the development dependencies. Please ensure you have `pre-commit`_ set up so that code formatting is applied automatically. Tests ----- To run the tests run ``poetry run pytest``. Integration Tests ----------------- Integration tests against DynamoDB implementations are automatically ran as part of ``poetry run pytest`` if certain environment variables are set. Alternative DynamoDB Implementations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, aiodynamo is tested with `dynamodb-local`_, `dynalite`_ and `ScyllaDB Alternator`_. To test with one or more implementations, set the ``DYNAMODB_URLS`` environment variable. The value of that variable should be a space separated list of ``=`` pairs, where ```` is ``[,]`` with ```` being one of ``real``, ``scylla`` or ``other``. The flavor must be set for `ScyllaDB Alternator`_ as it has a slightly different behavior in ``DescribeTable`` compared to other implementations. For example, to run the tests for all three instances with `dynamodb-local`_ running on port 8001, `dynalite`_ running on port 8002 and `ScyllaDB Alternator`_ running on port 8003, you would set ``DYNAMODB_URLS='dynamodb-local=http://localhost:8001 dynalite=http://localhost:8002 scylla=http://localhost:8003,scylla'`` Since these alternative implementations still require credentials to be set, set both ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` and ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` to some made up value. AWS DynamoDB ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To run on AWS with a real DynamoDB instance, follow these steps: * Set ``TEST_ON_AWS=true`` in your environment * Set the ``DYNAMODB_REGION`` environment variable if you're running in a region other than ``us-east-1``. * Make sure your environment has credentials with full access to DynamoDB, including creating and deleting tables. Normal :ref:`credentials` loading is followed. * Optionally set ``DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX`` to a string to have all test tables share a common prefix. Docs ---- To build the documentation, enter the ``docs/`` directory and run ``poetry run make html``. Benchmarks ---------- There are some benchmarks included in the repository under the benchmarks directory. Some of them may require extra dependencies such as ``aiobotocore`` or ``botocore``. To run them, refer to their README file. Releasing --------- 1. Update the version in ``pyproject.toml`` 2. Update ``docs/changelog.rst`` 3. Make a commit and push to Github 4. `Create a release on Github`_ .. _poetry: .. _repository: .. _container: .. _pre-commit: .. _Create a release on Github: .. _dynamodb-local: .. _dynalite: .. _ScyllaDB Alternator: