Usage ===== Client instantiation -------------------- You should try to re-use clients, and especially HTTP clients, as much as possible. Don't create a new one for each action. The :py:class:`aiodynamo.client.Client` class takes three required and three optional arguments: 1. An HTTP client adaptor, conforming to the :py:class:`aiodynamo.http.base.HTTP` interface. 2. An instance of :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.Credentials` to authenticate with DynamoDB. You may use ```` to use the default loading strategy. 3. The region your DynamoDB is in. 4. An optional endpoint URL of your DynamoDB, as a :py:class:`yarl.URL` instance. Useful when using a local DynamoDB implementation such as dynalite or dynamodb-local. 5. Which numeric type to use. This should be a callable which accepts a string as input and returns your numeric type as output. Defaults to ``float``. 6. The throttling configuration to use. An instance of :py:class:`aiodynamo.models.RetryConfig`. By default, if the DynamoDB rate limit is exceeded, aiodynamo will retry up for up to one minute with increasing delays. Credentials ----------- In most cases, ```` will load the credentials as you'd expect. Specifically, it will try multiple credentials providers in this order: :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.EnvironmentCredentials`, :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.FileCredentials`, :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.ContainerMetadataCredentials`, :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.InstanceMetadataCredentialsV2` and :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.InstanceMetadataCredentialsV1`. In case you want to explicitly pass the credentials from Python, use :py:class:`aiodynamo.credentials.StaticCredentials`. .. automethod:: | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.EnvironmentCredentials | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.ContainerMetadataCredentials | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.InstanceMetadataCredentialsV2 | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.InstanceMetadataCredentialsV1 | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.ChainCredentials | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.StaticCredentials | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.FileCredentials | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.credentials.Key :members: :undoc-members: The ``Client`` class -------------------- .. py:class:: aiodynamo.client.Client .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.table .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.table_exists .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.create_table If ``wait_for_active`` is set to ``True``, it will wait until the table status changed into ``Active``. If after the defined wait time the table is not active, an exception will be raised. Passing a :py:class:`aiodynamo.models.PayPerRequest` object in place of a :py:class:`aiodynamo.models.Throughput` configuration will create a ``PAY_PER_REQUEST`` BillingMode table. .. seealso:: `CreateTable - AWS API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.delete_table If ``wait_for_disabled`` is set to ``True``, it will wait until the table status changed into ``Disabled``. If after the defined wait time the table is not disabled, an exception will be raised. .. seealso:: `DeleteTable - AWS API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.put_item .. seealso:: `PutItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.update_item .. seealso:: `UpdateItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.delete_item .. seealso:: `DeleteItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.get_item .. seealso:: `GetItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.query Aiodynamo handles pagination automatically, so this method returns an asynchronous iterator of items. To only retrieve a single page, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Client.query_single_page` .. seealso:: `Query - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.query_single_page Queries a single page from DynamoDB. To automatically handle pagination, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Client.query` .. seealso:: `Query - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.scan Aiodynamo handles pagination automatically, so this method returns an asynchronous iterator of items. To only retrieve a single page, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Client.scan_single_page` .. seealso:: `Scan - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.scan_single_page Scans a single page from DynamoDB. To automatically handle pagination, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Client.scan` .. seealso:: `Scan - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.count Aiodynamo handles pagination automatically, so this method returns the number of items. Queries DynamoDB and returns number of matching items, optionally bounded by ``limit`` keyword argument. .. seealso:: `Query - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.scan_count Aiodynamo handles pagination automatically, so this method returns the number of items. Scans DynamoDB and returns number of matching items, optionally bounded by ``limit`` keyword argument. .. seealso:: `Scan - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.batch_get .. seealso:: `BatchGetItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.batch_write .. seealso:: `BatchWriteItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.transact_get_items .. seealso:: `TransactGetItems - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Client.transact_write_items .. seealso:: `TransactWriteItems - DynamoDB API documentation `_. The ``Table`` class ------------------- The :py:class:`aiodynamo.client.Table` class wraps all methods on :py:class:`aiodynamo.client.Client` so you don't have to provide the table name each time. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, create it by calling :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Client.table`. Methods ~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: aiodynamo.client.Table .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.exists .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.create If ``wait_for_active`` is set to ``True``, it will wait until the table status changed into ``Active``. If after the defined wait time the table is not active, an exception will be raised. .. seealso:: `CreateTable - AWS API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.delete If ``wait_for_disabled`` is set to ``True``, it will wait until the table status changed into ``Disabled``. If after the defined wait time the table is not disabled, an exception will be raised. .. seealso:: `DeleteTable - AWS API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.put_item .. seealso:: `PutItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.update_item .. seealso:: `UpdateItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.delete_item .. seealso:: `DeleteItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.get_item .. seealso:: `GetItem - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.query Aiodynamo handles pagination automatically, so this method returns an asynchronous iterator of items. To only retrieve a single page, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Table.query_single_page` .. seealso:: `Query - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.query_single_page Queries a single page from DynamoDB. To automatically handle pagination, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Table.query` .. seealso:: `Query - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.scan Aiodynamo handles pagination automatically, so this method returns an asynchronous iterator of items. To only retrieve a single page, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Table.scan_single_page` .. seealso:: `Scan - DynamoDB API documentation `_. .. automethod:: aiodynamo.client.Table.scan_single_page Scans a single page from DynamoDB. To automatically handle pagination, use :py:meth:`aiodynamo.client.Table.scan` .. seealso:: `Scan - DynamoDB API documentation `_. The ``F`` class --------------- The :py:class:`aiodynamo.expressions.F` class is used when building expressions that refer to fields in your DynamoDB items. It is used to build four different type of expressions: Projection Expression, Update Expression, Filter Expression and Condition. To refer to a top-level field, simply pass the name of the field to the class constructor. To refer to a nested field, pass the path as multiple arguments. To refer to indices in a list, pass an integer. For example, to refer to the ``bar`` field in the second element of the ``foo`` field, use ``F("foo", 1, "bar")``. Projection Expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: aiodynamo.expressions.ProjectionExpression Abstract base class to represent projection expresssions. Projection expressions are built using the ``&`` operator. An instance of :py:class:`aiodynamo.expressions.F` is a valid Projection expression too. For example, to get the field ``foo`` and ``bar``, you would use ``F("foo") & F("bar")``. Update Expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: aiodynamo.expressions.UpdateExpression Update expressions are created by calling methods on instances of :py:class:`aiodynamo.expressions.F` and combining the return values of those method calls with the ``&`` operator. .. automethod:: debug |br| .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.set .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.set_if_not_exists .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.change .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.append .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.remove .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.add .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.delete Filter Expression and Condition Expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: aiodynamo.expressions.Condition Abstract base class of conditions and filters. Filter and Condition expressions have the same syntax and they are created by calling methods on instances of :py:class:`aiodynamo.expressions.F` and combining the return values of those method calls with the ``&`` or ``|`` operators. To negate a condition, use the ``~`` infix operator. .. automethod:: debug |br| .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.does_not_exist .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.exists .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.attribute_type .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.begins_with .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.between .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.contains .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.is_in .. automethod:: .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.gte .. automethod:: .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.lte .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.equals .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.not_equals .. automethod:: aiodynamo.expressions.F.size |br| .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.expressions.Size :members: :undoc-members: Key conditions -------------- Key conditions are created using the :py:class:`aiodynamo.expressions.HashKey` and optionally the :py:class:`aiodynamo.expressions.RangeKey` classes. .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.expressions.HashKey | .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.expressions.RangeKey :members: begins_with, between, gt, gte, lt, lte, equals :undoc-members: Models ------ .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.PayPerRequest :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.Throughput :members: read, write :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.KeySchema :members: hash_key, range_key :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.LocalSecondaryIndex :members: name, projection, schema :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.GlobalSecondaryIndex :members: name, projection, schema, throughput :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.StreamSpecification :members: enabled, view_type :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models..StreamViewType :members: keys_only, new_image, old_image, new_and_old_images :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.RetryConfig :members: time_limit_secs, default, default_wait_config, delays .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.ReturnValues :members: none, all_old, updated_old, all_new, updated_new :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.Projection :members: type, attrs :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.ProjectionType :members: all, keys_only, include :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.BatchGetRequest :members: keys, projection :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.BatchGetResponse :members: items, unprocessed_keys :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.BatchWriteRequest :members: keys_to_delete, items_to_put :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.models.BatchWriteResult :members: undeleted_keys, unput_items :undoc-members: Operations ---------- .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.operations.Get :members: table, key, projection :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.operations.Put :members: table, item, condition :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.operations.Update :members: table, key, expression, condition :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.operations.Delete :members: table, key, condition :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: aiodynamo.operations.ConditionCheck :members: table, key, condition :undoc-members: .. |br| raw:: html