
aiodynamo uses poetry to manage dependencies, make sure you have it installed.

After a git clone, run poetry install --extras aiohttp --extras httpx to install the dependencies, including the development dependencies.

Please ensure you have pre-commit set up so that code formatting is applied automatically.


To run the tests run poetry run pytest.

Integration Tests#

Integration tests against DynamoDB implementations are automatically ran as part of poetry run pytest if certain environment variables are set.

Alternative DynamoDB Implementations#

Currently, aiodynamo is tested with dynamodb-local, dynalite and ScyllaDB Alternator.

To test with one or more implementations, set the DYNAMODB_URLS environment variable. The value of that variable should be a space separated list of <name>=<config> pairs, where <config> is <url>[,<flavor>] with <flavor> being one of real, scylla or other. The flavor must be set for ScyllaDB Alternator as it has a slightly different behavior in DescribeTable compared to other implementations.

For example, to run the tests for all three instances with dynamodb-local running on port 8001, dynalite running on port 8002 and ScyllaDB Alternator running on port 8003, you would set DYNAMODB_URLS='dynamodb-local=http://localhost:8001 dynalite=http://localhost:8002 scylla=http://localhost:8003,scylla'

Since these alternative implementations still require credentials to be set, set both AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to some made up value.

AWS DynamoDB#

To run on AWS with a real DynamoDB instance, follow these steps:

  • Set TEST_ON_AWS=true in your environment

  • Set the DYNAMODB_REGION environment variable if you’re running in a region other than us-east-1.

  • Make sure your environment has credentials with full access to DynamoDB, including creating and deleting tables. Normal Credentials loading is followed.

  • Optionally set DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX to a string to have all test tables share a common prefix.


To build the documentation, enter the docs/ directory and run poetry run make html.


There are some benchmarks included in the repository under the benchmarks directory. Some of them may require extra dependencies such as aiobotocore or botocore. To run them, refer to their README file.


  1. Update the version in pyproject.toml

  2. Update docs/changelog.rst

  3. Make a commit and push to Github

  4. Create a release on Github